Stefan Ovidiu Constantin


Stefan Constantin, the founder of Nord Media Global, put his 20 year experience into creating a company that follows his vision and goals, which is breaking the language barriers between different people and keeping the education of future generations to a high standard. When he’s not working, (which rarely happens), he enjoys being with his family and when time allows for it, going fishing in the company of his beautiful wife and kids.


Roxana Silvia Constantin


Roxana Constantin adds a lot of value to the company, with a history of 15 years in the dubbing/subtitling field. She is basically the “engine” of the company, maintaining the relationship with clients, supervising production and also joining in. Roxana is very grateful to God for her children, Andreea and Matthew, which she says are her most precious “accomplishments in life” and during her time off she never says no to a fishing trip or camping with her family.